
Welcome to Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Sherman, Texas!

Saint Stephen's is a traditional Anglican parish in the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas. Organized in 1872 as one of the founding churches of the Diocese of Dallas, Saint Stephen’s has been welcoming and serving the people of our community for over 150 years.


What time are your services?

Our Sunday worship service is at 9:30 am. If you show up early, at 9 am, the Vicar leads Morning Prayer.

On the first and third Wednesdays of the month, we celebrate Holy Communion at 11 am.

Special services for Holy Days will be announced on our website and Facebook page.


What do I wear?

People tend towards business casual, though blue jeans are not uncommon either. 


How do I get there?

We're on the Southeast corner of Cherry and Crockett in downtown Sherman.


Where do I park?

Our parking lot is north of the church across Cherry.


What door do I enter?

The two sets of big red doors lead into our sanctuary.


What can I expect?

At Saint Stephen's our worship is by Word and Sacrament, or by the Bible and God's means of grace in the Holy Communion.

You can expect a lot of Bible! We read from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Gospels every Sunday.

You can expect to pray. There is time every Sunday to ask God for the needs of the world, the Church, and ourselves.

You can expect to praise God in traditional Anglican hymnody.

And you can expect to celebrate the Eucharist (Holy Communion) each Sunday as Jesus commanded us and as the early Church did. In the Eucharist, we receive the Body and Blood of Christ that nourishes our souls and strengthens us for a life of discipleship.


Communion every Sunday?

Yes! Following the practice of the early Church, we have Communion every Sunday.

All Christians who have been baptized with water in the Name of the Holy Trinity and who approach our Lord Jesus Christ with repentance and faith are welcome to receive the Sacrament. Our tradition is to come to the altar and kneel or stand at the rail.

If you do not wish to receive or have not been baptized, you are invited up for a blessing from the priest during that time. Just cross your arms across your chest to indicate you are not receiving.

We use real wine and not grape juice, so if you wish to only take the Bread then you may do so and cross your arms as the chalice comes by.


What about childcare?

Our childcare is currently on hold. Please know, though, that children are always welcome in the service and are an important part of the Liturgy. They are a part of the church family and are encouraged to take part in the prayers and responses. Baptized children are also welcome to receive the Sacrament.


What's next?

When you visit please fill out a visitor card and introduce yourself to our priest!